
Thursday, 19 March 2009

19 Candles - A Single Flame for Brighid

I'm honoured to be apart of a group which works together to carry the flame of the Goddess Brighid. Which take a day and carry the flame for her from Sunset to Sunset before passing it on to the next person in the line.

There is a legend each night for 19 nights, believers tended the Flame of Brighid from sunset to sunset, and on the 20th day, She herself tends the flame. From our diversity, we model unity of purpose, tending the flame of Our Lady, and serving her at the Well, at the Forge, in Healing and in Poetry.
Here is my post honouring the first day I held the flame.

I got home from a wonderful dinner just as the sun was setting. We already had a candle and holder picked out for this. So I hurried off to gather it up and set it on the alter. As the sun dipped below the horizon a few minutes later I lit it.

It was a feeling of being apart of something bigger, something that could easily have a global base. With the candle lit I returned to the tasks I knew must be done with a renewed vigor. A bit of writing and a bit of house work. I had the urge to set aside my regular project and worked on Questions of Faith, a much more spiritual project then the others.

Brighid was there and she moved on. Leaving a small piece of herself and her flame with me to connect me with the others and as a reminder of our time together until the next time.


If you are interested joining 19 candles just click on the link below.

Crossed posted to

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