So this week's question of the week on The Modern Pagan looks at using technology in our magic workings as well as in our magical life. The biggest example would be our book's of Shadow. However the possibilities really are endless.
My answer to this is kind of funny really as a real techie type of guy. My book of shadows is paper, I did at one time try an electronic version and it just didn't work out. There were to many things I needed to the book that came on paper from other people I work/worked with.
I have over the years looked at a few different ways of including technology. Using circuit board designs as a laberinth for medatation, or using goggle in a ritual designed to find a lost object. Despite my own personal love of technology the majority of my ideas come up with a more nature based focus instead turning to technology. Perhaps it is just a matter of habit I am not really sure on way or another. But it certainly is something I intend to explore further.
Posted from my iTouch the newest type of wand.
Interesting point! I think my digital camera catches more weird, oddball and interesting photographs than my old camera. But, my old camera caught more "ghostly" halos, swirls and smokey entities than my digital. So, which has the better eye? Other than the human eye of course.
Very Interest Point of View; I have both a digtal copy & Hardcopy which has printed & handwriten pages. I scan in my hand writen pages. Its like a backup if anything where to happen to my BOS. In my hardcopy BOS are pages that were writen by my great grandmother & others the have move on the the great be on. This is my way of saving there work. I think there is room for both.
I'd keep a handwritten BoS if I could read my own handwriting. 20 minutes after I write something it becomes a mystery to me. I'm told it has something to do with my dyslexia.
I'm still looking for a techie BoS that works for me. Right now everything is in various word files.
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