
Monday, 30 November 2009

Writing update

The insanity is over! I've completely NANOWrimo but not the story yet. 50,214 words as of yesterday around 10 pm. It was kind of strange year in a lot of ways, normally I would normally have been down around Wednesday last week. Life just kept jumping in the way of the writing more this year than any other. I'm not really sure what might have caused it other then life in general. Either way the nano goal has been reached.

This year I did something different I outlined pretty heavily and planned out various parts of the novel and its characters. 50214 words and I'm on page 7 of the 42 pages of outlining. So there is a lot of writing left to do, the plan right now is to keep close to the pace. Focusing on about a thousand words a day for Risen Steam and then putting in some time working on some short stories that I can get circulating for submissions. On the subject of submissions I sent off my story Changeling's Dilemma to Edge Publishing. I'll share more when I can.

I've come to the decision that focusing on short stories gives me something that I can get circulating that much fast. What I lean from that and the experience I gain will only improve my other writing.

Alright well more on things tomorrow as well as a gradual on going updating of the blog. You might have already noticed some changes.

To the people who have commented over the last couple of months, I'm sorry your comments haven't gone up yet. Life's been a little more exciting as of late.

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