
Thursday, 19 February 2009

The New Thursday Thirteen #1

Looks like someone got this going a while ago.. check out

In the mean time here is my first of the new Thursday Thirteens.

Thirteen Reasons to post a Thursday Thirteen
  1. A bit of blogging encouragement can never go wrong.

  2. Comments from strangers.

  3. Following trails of other Thursday Thirteen Bloggers.

  4. Making a list of Thirteen things every Thursday is a challenge.

  5. Commenting on Strangers Blogs.

  6. Its fun.

  7. If you don't do a Thursday Thirteen then what else will you post about.

  8. All the cool bloggers have one.

  9. Posting one and linking back encourages other people to do it as well.

  10. At least it isn't Thursday Forty Two

  11. Making new blogging friends

  12. It helps to build good blogging habits

  13. Did I mention that it can be fun


Nicola O. said...

Some of the veteral Thirteeners have had the same idea -- check out

Fun list!

My expressions LIVE said...

Great list.....stop by anytime!

colleen said...

I like the stream of consciousness list talk and I use it to tie up some loose blog ends of the week.

Karen said...

I totally agree. If not for TT and total strangers visiting my blog nobody would come. I love seeing what others have to say also.

Cheryl Pitt said...

What an inventive TT idea! Great list, I like comments too :)

Cheryl-Somewhat Crunchy Mama