
Sunday 11 January 2009

To facebook or not to facebook

So for the past few weeks... Not thats a lie, for the past few months I've been noticing more and more of my time getting sucked in to the social networking site Facebook. I was still getting a lot of things down around the house and on various projects but time was slipping from me. So I had to come up with a plan and a way to deal with it this problem.

Here is what I came up with to solve my problem. I knew it wasn't something that I could give up completely. It really has a lot of wonderful features, and is a great way to connect with my friends. Not to mention the number of people I've met while on Facebook. So I've decided to limit my time on facebook. Only one visit a day to facebook for me. I can stay on as long as I want, making sure that I get done what I need to do.

This in plan started this past saturday and so far has been working pretty well. I've noticed an increase in my own productivity over the past couple of days. I'll suffered from a mild bit of withdraw on Saturday. The real test will come on Monday when am at work, I often use facebook as a way to escape the bordom of my job.

This blog post comes at a strange time considering I just finished and submited my February column of the Digital Pagan. It focuses on the subject of advantages and importance of social networking site to the modern pagan. Everything is useful in moderation, especially Facebook

1 comment:

Edain said...

My secret with Facebook is that I have it open in a browser most of the day, whilst working on other projects and check in every now and then for messages etc.
I do not play any games except wordscrapper and I have a very small amount of aps, so my time is not wasted.
I use it for networking and keeping up with friends, which I think is the best way to use it. :)
I look forward to reading your new column!