
Thursday 7 August 2008

Media Mistakes

So last week we here in Winnipeg had a sad and sick man behead someone on a Greyhound bus driving in to Winnipeg. Its made nation and international news due to it's nasty and disgusting nature of the crime. After all if the terrorists in the middle east and the global news channels have taught us anything its that beheadings make good news.

This fact has not escaped the notice of groups like PETA and Westboro Baptist Church making their opinion's known about the events. Guess what the Media is lapping it up.

PETA has attempted to have ads published in local news papers comparing The Beheading on the bus to the beheading of animals in factories. So the papers made a choice and refused to put the ads in. After all an ad like that is in bad taste and they can't possible print something like that. Instead of paying to run there ads they are now getting FREE international coverage of their attempts to have the ads run.

I wouldn't be surprised in the least to learn that PETA had no money in the budget for these ads and there whole plan was to get the free advertising through media. They should have just shut up about the ad taken their money and put in the ad. Peta would have been left looking like insensitive idiots about the whole thing, instead they are getting massive coverage at no cost. So far I've seen blogs about it, news paper, tv and radio spots. All that's left is for the sky writers to get in on the act.

The Westboro Baptist Church has also gotten in on the act and released a press release announcing that they would be traveling to Winnipeg in order to protest the victim's funeral. After they feel it is their Gods way of punishing us for supporting the war and allowing same sex marriages (Why do some people call the unions?)

So two guesses what the media is doing about this. They have started giving them more media coverage to a group that has a history of putting out pres releases and not following up on it.

Why doesn't the media think things through before they leap out and start talking? They have so much power in their words but they just don't seem to realize it. Its sad...


KrisMrsBBradley said...

How I hate the Westboro Baptist Church. I really hope the Freedom Riders show up to help the victim's family get through the funeral.

For all of PETA's hype and celebrity sponsors, they are nothing more than a terrorist group that has a sickening history of killing more animals than it saves.

I'm not suprised to see these two groups lumped together in a post.

Randilin said...

In the end Westboro didn't show up, They claimed they did and protested a couple of blocks from the site. But I doubt they even did that.

Randilin said...

In the end Westboro didn't show up, They claimed they did and protested a couple of blocks from the site. But I doubt they even did that.

KrisMrsBBradley said...

Glad to hear they didn't show up. Those people are just wack-o.