
Thursday, 25 August 2011

Lair Assault - Building a Character

Alright so next month is start of the new Lair Assault program.  If you haven't been living under a rock & you have any interest what so ever in Dungeons and Dragons then you will have heard about it already.  So I'll assume that you have and not bore you with a recap.  While I am of two minds of this whole thing, I do intend to DM for it.  So that means that I'll also get a run at the Assult as well.

So this afternoon I started putting together a character.  The problem here is that I am not the type of person who min/maxs to any great extent.  I build a character to have fun, I build a character to tell a story, I build a character for a lot of different reasons.  However one of them is never to make him the biggest possible bad ass I can within the confines of the rules.  So this build has been difficult to say the least for me.  Here is what I have so far.  Any in put would be welcome.

Perra, level 5
Dragonborn, Bard
Build: Valorous Bard
Bardic Virtue: Virtue of Valor
Dragonborn Racial Power: Dragonfear
Theme: Noble

Background: Officer Who Came Out of Retirement (Officer Who Came Out of Retirement Benefit)

Str 10, Con 18, Dex 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 20.

Str 10, Con 15, Dex 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 17.

AC: 20 Fort: 19 Reflex: 18 Will: 21
HP: 50 Surges: 11 Surge Value: 16

Arcana +7, Intimidate +14, Perception +6, Acrobatics +7, Diplomacy +12

Bluff +8, Dungeoneering +2, Endurance +6, Heal +2, History +6, Insight +2, Nature +2, Religion +3, Stealth +3, Streetwise +8, Thievery +3, Athletics +2

Bard: Ritual Caster
Level 1: Heavy Blade Expertise
Level 2: Strength of Valor
Level 4: Improved Defenses

Bard at-will 1: Guiding Strike
Bard at-will 1: War Song Strike
Bard encounter 1: Focused Sound
Bard daily 1: Stirring Shout
Bard utility 2: Moment of Escape
Bard encounter 3: Charger's Call
Bard daily 5: Strictures of Fortune

Ritual Book, Amulet of Protection +2, Pelaurum Chainmail +1, Adventurer's Kit, Light Shield, Bard's Songblade Scimitar +2, Climber's Kit, Footpads, Journeybread, Oil (1 pint) (5), Sunrod (4)
Comrades' Succor, Glib Limerick

For my level five magic item I'm thinking either the Power Jewlry or the Counters of Second Chances.  As for the two consumable's that we are allowed I have no clue at all.  I am certainly open to any constructive suggestions, that would improve the character.


Frank Foulis said...

that looks pretty good actually. I have read the adventure and so no spoilers but it looks good.

Randilin Trouple said...

Well I'll be playing to tommorrow with the other DM's and the store owners. I honest wouldn't put our chances at any better then nil. Everyone is building there own characters and there has been next to no cordination between the players.

C.J. said...

I googled lair assault builds and found this post. I'm a fairly new dnd player but I was looking at the items you listed...

I see amulet of protection +2 and bard's songblade scimitar +2 are both level 6 magic items. I think the lair assault requirements are 1 of each: lvl6 lvl5 lvl4 (or a lesser level in place of each). and of course you can purchase (with the 840G) any additional level appropriate items as long as you don't have more than 2 consumables.

Also, I don't know if it matters, but when I put all your equipment into character builder it shows the weight as being heavy load (slowed). I'm not sure if that's you intention.

C.J. said...

I googled lair assault builds and found this post. I'm a fairly new dnd player but I was looking at the items you listed...

I see amulet of protection +2 and bard's songblade scimitar +2 are both level 6 magic items. I think the lair assault requirements are 1 of each: lvl6 lvl5 lvl4 (or a lesser level in place of each). and of course you can purchase (with the 840G) any additional level appropriate items as long as you don't have more than 2 consumables.

Also, I don't know if it matters, but when I put all your equipment into character builder it shows the weight as being heavy load (slowed). I'm not sure if that's you intention.

C.J. said...

I googled lair assault builds and found this post. I'm a fairly new dnd player but I was looking at the items you listed...

I see amulet of protection +2 and bard's songblade scimitar +2 are both level 6 magic items. I think the lair assault requirements are 1 of each: lvl6 lvl5 lvl4 (or a lesser level in place of each). and of course you can purchase (with the 840G) any additional level appropriate items as long as you don't have more than 2 consumables.

Also, I don't know if it matters, but when I put all your equipment into character builder it shows the weight as being heavy load (slowed). I'm not sure if that's you intention.

Randilin Trouple said...

Thanks for the feedback CJ on the Slow speed thing.

You are correct on the build rules with respect to Magic items. However I took the Noble Theme that was outlined in Dragon. At level five it gives the character a lvl 6 magic armour or Neck slot item.