Thirteen Things to do in September
1. Finish Nanowrimo project Outline
2. Update blog with some prewritten posts to be ready for the month of November.
3. Help Tamile with her Etsy Shop
4. Work on something to be submitted for Tesseracts Fourteen
5. Journal Nightly
6. Restart Exercise routine on September 10th (2 weeks after operations)
7. Help my youngest daughter move out.
8. Record another episode of the Magical Earth Quadcast
9. Write ahead for Carpe Arcanum so that I don't have to take a break during NANOWrimo
10. Make time to spend it outside and enjoy what little nice weather we are getting.
11. Start working some short stories and getting more submissions out there.
12. Try Writing some Flash Fiction Fridays
13. Seriously start the budgeting plan my Wife and I have been discussing.
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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others’ comments. It’s easy, and fun!
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You write your posts that far in advance? I'm struggling to keep up with the current week.
My TT is here.
I try to at least for things I know I will be posting every week like Wordless Wednesday and Thursday Thirteen
You're organized! Wow!
How are you so organized? I need some lessons from you. lol
Just to be very clear this is list of things I should get done. Not that I will for sure although I'll certainly try.
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