Ideas for questions come from all sorts of strange and wonderful sources. If I know what they are I will try and share them just for interest sake. This weeks question comes in part from two seperate books. The first is being read as part of a local Book Study my wife and I are taking part in and the second is a fiction book. When I continued to see the references to virtues popping up I knew that they had to be included in a up coming question of the week.
So a comment is made by one of the characters "Before we can become virtuous, we must first know what virtue is." in Against the Tide of Years. The character is from the 20th century and is discussing the concept of virtue with a priest in 1240's BC. They both have very different ideas on just what is virtuous and why. In a lot of ways modern day pagans might just have some of the same difference as these two characters did from the general population. Our moral code is different, the pressures of religion is very different, even our general outlook on life can be very different from those around us.
The book the Other Side of Virtue goes in to this at length in place and brings up a number of possible ideals of virtue. It leaves the reader to think through and work through their own idea of just what is virtuous and what is a virtue. That is my question to all of you 'What do you consider to be Virtuous?' and 'Why is it Virtuous?'
This question can go alot of different ways so feel free to explore it, work with it and let the question take you where it needs too.
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