
Tuesday 15 July 2008

Two days of rest

Well it is the two days of rest between the end of Folk Fest and the beginning the Fringe Festival. Now by days of rest what I really mean is going to work for regular full shifts, then racing home as quick as I can so I can clean. After all when you go away for a weekend you may have fun but all of the things you have to normally do on a weekend still need to get done they just don't. We've also had to stop at the Fringe office to get some shifts switched around and such. Basically we ended up dropping two shifts on the weekend and then pick up a team leader buddy shift so we can help out and do team leader work. But all in all these two days between the two events our a gift of the Goddess.

Alright so I wanted to post some of my thoughts on Folk Fest weekend. If someone had come to me on tuesday or wednesday before the folk fest and offered me I paid for the tickets I would have taken the money. Not because I was short on cash or anything like that, it just felt like there was so much stress surrounding getting ready for festival. Between tamile struggling and trying to get her shifts the way she wanted them and not being able to in the end. It felt like such a big headache, even that morning we were talking about it and flat out decided that in 2009 we would jut get a pass for the Sunday.

Everything changed for me pretty much the minute we pulled in to the parking lot. It was almost like driving on to the land at the Dr Jessie Sotoux (I have no idea how to spell his last name) Centre where we have been to a couple of retreats. By the end of the first night I was ready for a weekend pass for next year. The music was amazing so many great bands and groups, so many new CD's to buy. I'll try and post a list to them as soon as I have a few minutes to spare and the program book with me.

Over the course of the weekend we had sun, wind, rain, gale force cold winds, and then more sun. So it covered the gambit of the folk fest experience. Its hard to figure the perfect weather for the festival. No rain would be the place I would start, followed with lightly over cast and warm.

Musical Highlight of the festival - Michael Franti on Thursday night.
Favorite new music find - Farro in the Dark
Low light of the Festival - Tamile having to miss friday due to work or the Rain and wind on Saturday

Sunday photos tonight

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