
Tuesday, 8 January 2008

Lists and tasks

I mentioned this in my resolutions post a week or so ago and wanted to go in to a bit more detail about them. Hopefully someone else out there will find them as useful as I have. Basically what we have done is we have determined a list of about 7-10 things that we really want to make sure that we do each day. My list reads as follows

  • vitamins

  • Walking

  • 8 cups of water

  • Good food

  • Yoga Am

  • Yoga PM

  • Mediation

  • Dream Journal

  • Blog

  • Journal

  • Writing 750-1000

They are all simple and straight forward thing. Running across the top of the list is the days of the week. As we complete each thing we just check it off. The list gives us a keep and easy to read snap shot of how we are doing on the things that are important to us.

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